Taunton Web Design

User-First Design: Building a Website Structure with Customers in Mind

Are you struggling to keep visitors on your website? A user-first approach could be the key. Our guide dives deep, showing you how to craft a site that feels tailor-made for your customers’ needs.

Discover the secrets of a customer-centric web structure and watch engagement soar. Keep reading – it’s simpler than you think!

Understanding User Experience (UX) Design

A person using a modern website interface with a bustling cityscape photography background.

UX Design focuses on creating a seamless and enjoyable experience for website users. It involves interaction design, visual design, user research, and information architecture to ensure that the website structure is customer-centric.

Interaction Design

Interaction design focuses on how people use websites and digital products. It makes sure that when someone visits a website, they can find what they need and do what they want without trouble.

Imagine a door with a handle – interaction design is like making the handle easy to turn so the door opens smoothly.

Designers work hard to create interactions that feel natural. They think about where buttons should go, how pages should move, and even the way things look when you click on them. Good interaction helps visitors stay happy and keeps them coming back.

It’s all about giving users control and making their experience enjoyable.

Visual Design

Visual design is the look and feel of your website. It uses colors, images, and fonts to make a good impression on users. Think about it like dressing up your website in its best clothes so customers want to stay and shop.

A great visual design can help people find what they need fast.

It’s different from user interface (UI) design which is more about buttons and menus that people click on or touch. Both are important to keep visitors happy and coming back. Now let’s talk about how we learn what users like with user research.

User Research

After making sure your website looks great, it’s time to focus on user research. This step helps you understand what people need and want. By talking to users, looking at their feedback, and watching how they use websites, you can learn a lot.

Think of yourself as a detective trying to solve a mystery about your customers.

User research means doing interviews with people who might use your website and creating personas that represent them. These personas are like characters in a story; they help everyone working on the project know who they’re designing for.

And by testing out your ideas with real users, you’ll see if they’re happy with your design or if something needs changing. Getting this right means people will enjoy using your site more and come back again and again!

Information Architecture

Information Architecture (IA) shapes how information is set up on a website. It helps make sure that your customers can find and understand everything easily. Think of IA as the plan behind your website’s content organisation, like how a librarian organises books to help people find what they need quickly.

Good IA leads to better user satisfaction because it creates a clear path for them to follow.

Using IA means you’re thinking about your visitors first by designing hierarchical patterns and website navigation that are simple to use. You create signs that guide them where they want to go, just like road signs help drivers reach their destinations without getting lost.

And when users enjoy visiting your site, they keep coming back. Now let’s explore the main guidelines in UX design principles next.

UX Design Principles

A diverse group of people are using a user-friendly website interface to navigate cityscape photography.

UX design principles guide the creation of websites that are easy and enjoyable to use. They make sure that the site meets the needs of users, helping businesses grow.

  • Put Users First: The design should start with understanding who will use the website. Know what they need, what they want, and how they behave online. This means doing research to find out how real people will interact with your website.
  • Clarity Is Key: Make everything clear so users don’t get confused. Use simple language and clean layouts. People should find what they’re looking for easily without feeling lost or frustrated.
  • Consistency Matters: Keep things similar across all pages. This helps users know where they are on a site and how to get around. Use the same colours, fonts, and button styles everywhere.
  • Accessibility for All: The website must be usable by everyone, including those with disabilities. This covers things like readable fonts, alt text for images, and voice commands.
  • Feedback Helps Users: When users do something on your site, tell them if it worked or not. A message can say if a form was sent correctly or if there was an error they need to fix.
  • Error Prevention Is Better Than Cure: Try to stop mistakes before they happen. If something might go wrong on your site, warn users first or make it harder for them to make that mistake.

The Process of UX Design

Identifying user pain points, creating user personas, mapping user journeys, and creating website wireframes are all essential steps in the process of UX design. These elements help to ensure that the website structure is built with customers in mind, ultimately leading to a better user experience.

Identifying User Pain Points

  • First, look at how people use the site. Watch what they do and take notes on any problems they face.
  • Talk to your customers. Ask them directly what bothers them about the site or service.
  • Check feedback from emails, surveys, and online reviews to find common complaints.
  • Look at your competitors’ sites too. See where they might be doing better and learn from that.
  • Analyse customer service calls and chats. Often, users share their issues here in detail.
  • Set up user tests. Invite people to try out specific tasks on your website and observe where they struggle.
  • Use analytics tools to see where most users leave your site; this could show a big pain point.
  • Have a team meeting to put together all you’ve learned about user problems with the website.
  • Create a list of these pain points so you can prioritise which ones to fix first.

Creating User Personas

Creating user personas is like making a map that guides you to understand your customers better. It’s a big part of designing your website in a way that meets their needs.

  • Think about who will use your site. Imagine them as real people with jobs, hobbies, and problems they want to solve.
  • Gather all the details about these imagined users. Look at things like age, where they live, why they might visit your site, and what they would want from it.
  • Talk to real people who are similar to your imagined users. Find out what they actually need and like.
  • Use stories to make each persona feel more real. Tell a short tale about how they found your website and what made them happy or sad while using it.
  • Give each persona a name and maybe even find a picture that you think looks like them. This helps everyone who makes decisions about the website to remember that they’re building it for real people.
  • Use the information you’ve learned to sort your customers into different groups. Each group should have its own persona.
  • Keep checking if these personas still work well as you find out more about your customers and as their needs change over time.

Mapping User Journeys

  1. Understanding User Behaviour: Mapping user journeys involves analysing how users interact with a product or service at different touchpoints.
  2. Identifying Pain Points: Through journey mapping, businesses can pinpoint areas where users may encounter challenges or frustrations.
  3. Enhancing User Experience: By visualising the entire user journey, businesses can make informed decisions to improve customer experience and satisfaction.
  4. Customer Journey Mapping Tools: Various tools and software are available to help create visual representations of customer journeys, such as online platforms and journey mapping templates.
  5. Aligning with User-Centric Design: Mapping user journeys ensures that the website structure and design are tailored to meet the needs and expectations of customers, ultimately leading to better engagement and conversions.

Creating Website Wireframes

After mapping user journeys, the next step is to create website wireframes. Wireframing helps in visualising the page layout and user interface elements for designers and developers. Here are the detailed steps:

  1. Define the Information Hierarchy: Use wireframes to plan and prioritise the content on your website or app design.
  2. Space Allocation: Allocate space for different elements such as text, images, and interactive features using wireframes.
  3. Evaluate User Flows: Test drive the page layout through wireframing to ensure a smooth user experience.
  4. Align Team Goals: Utilise wireframing to align the team around key design goals and complex design elements.
  5. Plan Structure: Wireframes help establish the structure and flow of design solutions for interactive products.


Prototyping in UX design is crucial for testing and refining a website’s structure. It involves building interactive prototypes to gather feedback from both internal and external parties. Prototypes come in varying fidelity, from low-fidelity paper prototypes to high-fidelity digital ones.

  1. The goal of prototyping is to test the flow of a design solution and gather valuable user feedback.
  2. It allows designers to bring their ideas to life and assess the practicality of the current design.
  3. By incorporating prototypes into the design process, designers can save budget and receive customer feedback early on, leading to better outcomes.
  4. Designers use prototypes to test, iterate, and develop designs beginning with user flows.
  5. Making improvements based on prototype feedback supports iterative design and product development.

UX Deliverables

Once the UX design process is completed, there are several key deliverables that businesses can expect, including user research reports, competitor assessments, and interaction design guidelines.

These deliverables help to ensure that the website structure is built with the customer in mind and meets their needs effectively.

User Research Reports

User research reports are valuable deliverables for understanding user needs and improving the overall user experience of a website. These reports provide tangible insights gained from research activities, such as interviews, surveys, and usability tests.

Usability reports, a classic type of user research report, play a crucial role in identifying areas for improvement and ensuring that the website meets the needs of its users.

Understanding these user research deliverables is essential for implementing effective UX design principles. By utilising these reports to their full potential, businesses can create websites that not only meet but exceed the expectations of their target audience.

Competitor Assessment

When creating a website, it’s crucial to evaluate your competitors’ websites. This involves doing in-depth market research and comparative analysis to understand the competitive landscape.

Through competitor assessment, UX designers can gather insightful data about design elements, user experience, and overall product/service offerings of their main rivals. By conducting a comprehensive evaluation of competitors’ websites, businesses can make informed decisions for modifying their own design elements and generating more profit.

Competitor assessment is an essential part of UX deliverables that provides valuable information for making user-centric design decisions. It gives businesses an edge by offering a clear view of the competitive landscape and helps in shaping successful strategies for improving their products or services.

Interaction Design Guidelines

Interaction design guidelines are essential for creating a positive user experience. These guidelines provide best practices for designing products and interfaces that are easy to use and understand.

By following these principles, businesses can ensure their websites or applications meet the needs of their users, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, using interaction design guidelines can help in identifying areas for improvement in existing products or interfaces.

UX deliverables often include interaction design guidelines which serve as standards for creating user-centered designs. These guidelines focus on human-computer interaction, ensuring that the product is intuitive and efficient to use.

Enhancing User Experience

Improving user experience is crucial for the success of your website. Usability testing and incorporating Fitt’s Law can help enhance user satisfaction and engagement.

Usability Testing

Usability testing is crucial for understanding how users interact with your website. It helps in evaluating the ease of use and identifies any potential issues. Here’s why it’s essential:

  1. Usability testing involves observing real users as they navigate through your website, app, or product in natural settings.
  2. It provides valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and satisfaction with the design.
  3. The practice helps in evaluating how easily users can accomplish specific tasks on your website.
  4. Usability testing is different from focus groups as it focuses on evaluating actual user interactions rather than opinions.
  5. It helps developers identify and address issues that may affect the usability and effectiveness of the design.
  6. The test provides a clear understanding of how users perceive the structure of your website and how they navigate through it efficiently.
  7. Ultimately, usability testing is important for enhancing user experience and ensuring that your website is customer-centric.

Using Fitt’s Law for UX Enhancement

After conducting usability testing, it is essential to continue enhancing the user experience by implementing Fitts\\’s Law in UX design. This principle focuses on making interactive elements larger and placing them closer to the user’s cursor path.

By applying Fitts\\’s Law, we can create more user-friendly and efficient interfaces for our customers. This means considering factors such as target size, label and icon combination, element size balance, and interactions within the interface.

The law emphasises that larger interactive elements placed conveniently along the cursor path lead to improved customer interaction with the website or application.

Tools for UX Design

Good UX design requires specific tools. Here’s a list of essential tools for UX design that can help improve your website’s user experience:

  1. Figma: This tool allows collaborative interface and prototype design.
  2. Sketch: It’s useful for UI/UX designers to create prototypes and interactive interfaces.
  3. Adobe XD: An all-in-one tool for designing and prototyping websites and mobile apps.
  4. InVision: It enables seamless collaboration for building interactive prototypes and collecting feedback.
  5. Axure RP: Ideal for creating wireframes, flowcharts, and interactive prototypes.
  6. Crazy Egg: This offers heatmaps to analyse user interaction on web pages, enabling data-driven design decisions.
  7. Hotjar: It provides visual insights into user behaviour through heatmaps, visitor recordings, and more.

Distinguishing User Interface Design from UX Design

User Interface (UI) design focuses on the visual look and feel of digital products. It includes graphical interfaces and voice interfaces, emphasising aesthetic elements. Meanwhile, User Experience (UX) design centres on creating a seamless user experience through research and designing wireframes and prototypes for testing.

UI design is about the product’s appearance, while UX design ensures a meaningful user experience by understanding user needs.

In digital product development, both UX and UI designs play crucial roles in creating engaging customer experiences. While UI focuses on the product’s visual aspects, UX aims to deliver an overall positive user experience by understanding users’ requirements and behaviours.

Steps to Become a UX Designer

Start by conducting thorough research on the field of UX design, then enroll in a reputable UX design course to gain essential skills. After that, consider applying for a UX design internship to gain practical experience and start building your portfolio.


In UX design, research is the foundation for creating a website that truly serves your customers. To become a UX designer, start by researching and understanding user needs and pain points.

Enrolling in a UX design course can help you learn various research methods such as usability testing and persona development. Additionally, conducting customer research will aid in building user-friendly navigation on your website.

Remember, without thorough research, it’s challenging to create a website structure that effectively meets your customers’ needs.

Enrolling in a UX Design Course

To become a skilled UX designer, enrolling in a user experience design course is crucial. These courses offer practical skills and theoretical knowledge necessary for mastering the discipline.

Online options provide convenience and flexibility to learn UX principles and develop the soft skills needed for a successful career in UX design.

Aspiring designers can benefit from gaining practical skills by enrolling in a user experience design course. These courses provide essential theoretical knowledge and convenient learning opportunities for mastering the discipline.

Applying for a UX Design Internship

Once you’ve completed a UX design course and built a portfolio, it’s time to apply for internships. Many companies seek enthusiastic individuals with a passion for user experience design and offer internship opportunities without strict experience requirements.

When applying, emphasise your willingness to learn and contribute, highlighting any relevant projects or coursework from your training. Remember that Coursera provides a guide on kickstarting a career as a UX designer which can be beneficial when preparing for the application process.

Building a UX Design Portfolio

When creating a UX design portfolio, it’s crucial to showcase your design process and past work as a designer. Use your own name for the portfolio domain as this makes it easy for potential employers to find your work, increasing visibility in search results.

Ensure that the portfolio outlines the information architecture of your case studies to clearly present content for readers. A user-centered UX portfolio is vital when trying to grab the attention of hiring managers who typically only have a few minutes to review portfolios.

Therefore, creating an easily shareable website format will aid in greater visibility and accessibility.

Importance of UX Design for Business Growth

Improving user experience (UX) design is crucial for business growth. Understanding users’ needs, values, abilities, and limitations helps create positive experiences that lead to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

This can result in higher conversion rates, ultimately impacting a business’s revenue positively. By focusing on research, analysis, and testing through UX design and design thinking, a business sets itself up for success in meeting user requirements and enhancing their overall experience.

Furthermore, investing in UX design not only enhances website usability but also contributes to the improvement of various aspects of a business such as customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Ultimately this directly impacts the bottom line with increased revenue through an effective experience strategy that prioritises user-centric design.

11. Creating User-Centric Information Architecture for Web Design.

Creating User-Centric Information Architecture for Web Design

This section will explore the importance of information architecture in web design, focusing on customer research, content inventory and audit, user-friendly navigation, hierarchical patterns, prototyping, and testing.

It will provide business owners with valuable insights into how to create a website structure that prioritises customer needs and enhances their overall experience.

Role of an Information Architect

Information architects play a crucial role in creating user-friendly website structures. They organise content and design intuitive navigation to enhance the overall user experience.

By focusing on information strategy and taxonomy, they ensure that website usability is optimised for easy access to relevant information. Information architects also collaborate with UX designers, providing a solid foundation for the project and supporting the creation of seamless wireframes.

Conducting customer research and building user-friendly navigation are essential tasks for information architects. Through content inventory and audit, they prioritise and structure website content to align with user needs.

Conducting Customer Research

Conducting customer research is crucial for creating a user-centric information architecture. It helps in understanding the needs and preferences of users to build a website structure focused on their interests. Here are the key steps to conducting customer research:

  1. Understanding User Behaviour: Analyse how users interact with similar websites, identifying their likes and dislikes.
  2. Gathering Customer Feedback: Use surveys, interviews, and feedback forms to collect valuable insights from potential website users.
  3. User Journey Mapping: Map out the various paths and interactions users may have when navigating through the website.
  4. Analysing Website Usability: Evaluate how easily users can access information and perform tasks on the site.
  5. Incorporating User Testing: Test website prototypes with real users to observe their behaviour and gather direct feedback.
  6. Utilising Customer Feedback for Iterative Improvements: Implement changes based on user feedback to enhance the overall user experience.
  7. Aligning Website Navigation with User Preferences: Design intuitive navigation that reflects how users expect to find information on the website.
  8. Mining data from Information Design: Utilise information design principles to organise content in a meaningful and user-friendly manner.

Content Inventory and Audit

  1. Evaluating Existing Content: Reviewing all current digital content to assess its quality, relevance, and effectiveness in meeting user needs.
  2. Identifying Content Gaps: Recognising areas where additional content is needed to enhance user experience and fill informational voids.
  3. Organising Content: Structuring existing content in a logical and accessible manner to facilitate seamless navigation for users.
  4. Removing Redundant Content: Eliminating duplicate or outdated material that may confuse or overwhelm website visitors.
  5. Assessing Content Performance: Analysing the impact and engagement levels of existing content through metrics such as views, shares, and conversion rates.
  6. Establishing Content Priorities: Determining which content pieces are crucial for conveying key messages and providing value to users.
  7. Improving Metadata: Enhancing metadata elements such as titles, descriptions, and keywords to optimise content visibility and searchability.
  8. Creating an Inventory Report: Compiling a comprehensive document detailing the status and characteristics of all digital assets for reference and analysis purposes.

Building User-Friendly Navigation

  1. Labelling: Clear and descriptive labels help users understand where each link will take them, improving user experience and satisfaction.
  2. Hierarchy Design Patterns: Well-structured navigation menus and content hierarchies make it easier for users to find what they are looking for quickly.
  3. Mind Mapping: Visualising the relationships between different sections of your website can aid in designing a more user-centric information architecture.

Designing Hierarchical Patterns

  1. Categorising Content: Information architects classify website content into logical groups based on user needs and context to ensure easy access and understanding.
  2. Consistent Navigation: Hierarchical patterns establish a clear and intuitive navigation system, allowing users to navigate through the website with ease and locate information effortlessly.
  3. Visual Hierarchy: It involves organising content in a visually appealing manner, ensuring that important information stands out and grabs user attention effectively.
  4. User Interaction: Designing hierarchical patterns focuses on enhancing user interaction by presenting information in a user-centric manner, improving overall user experience.
  5. Website Organisation: Hierarchical patterns help in structuring website contents coherently, making it easier for users to explore and find relevant information quickly.
  6. Contextual Design: It ensures that the organisation of content aligns with the specific needs and expectations of the target audience, enhancing overall usability.

Prototyping and Testing

Prototyping and testing are crucial steps in user experience (UX) design. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects:

  1. Prototyping is an experimental process to turn design ideas into tangible forms, such as mockups or wireframes, allowing for idea testing and validation.
  2. Usability testing involves gathering feedback from real users to identify any usability issues and ensure that the design meets their needs.
  3. Iterative design is an approach where prototypes are refined and improved based on user feedback, leading to a more user-friendly final product.
  • Using Fitt’s Law for UX Enhancement

Information Architecture: Mapping Out Success for Your Business Website

Building a website structure that prioritises user experience is an essential part of achieving business success. Information architecture (IA) plays a crucial role in structuring a website, ensuring easy navigation and content organisation for users.

Effective IA not only enhances user satisfaction but also contributes to the overall growth of businesses by providing seamless access to information. By understanding and implementing user-centric IA, businesses can create websites that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional, leading to improved customer relations and increased profitability.

With a well-mapped information architecture, businesses can establish themselves as reliable sources of valuable content while maintaining an intuitive interface for their users.

Now let’s delve into the significance of creating clear user personas in establishing a strong foundation for your website design efforts.


In conclusion, putting customers first in website design is crucial for creating a positive user experience. When websites are easy to use and navigate, it can lead to increased customer satisfaction and business success.

Understanding user needs and preferences is essential for building an intuitive website structure that meets their expectations. By prioritising the user’s journey and information access, businesses can effectively engage their audience and drive positive outcomes.

User-first design helps in building trust with customers, leading to improved retention rates and sustained growth for businesses.

Discover how effective information architecture can be the linchpin to your website’s success by exploring our in-depth guide here.

Unlock business growth with a meticulously structured website

Discover the core elements that elevate user experience. Craft a website with customers in mind.

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